Work experience

11/2023 - Today, Principal Android Developer at ioki, remotely

01/2020 - 11/2023, Senior Android Developer at ioki, remotely
  • Developed, improved and maintained the ioki passenger app(s) on the basis of a white label product
    • architecture
    • release process
    • Gradle tooling
    • and much more…
  • Leading the Android team since November 2021
  • Helped to grow the Android team from 3 to 7 developers - in a healthy way
  • Bringing new Android developers on board to the codebase and anything else related to the project
  • Establish a regular coding dojo for continuous learning for the Android team
  • Taking ownership of the Hackday
    • Organize the annual company-wide Hackday
    • Involves the Hackday to an global Hackday
  • Published, worked and maintained various open source projects such as kmp-passenger-api, SentryProguardGradlePlugin, LokaliseGradlePlugin, kmp-lokalise-api, ProgressButton, TextRef, and AppVersionsSlackSlash.
  • Published, worked and maintained on AI related open source projects: summaraizer, summaraizer-action, summaraizer-slack
  • Lead discussion panels at our annual department conference:
    • Developer Productivity Engineering
    • Open Source first - How to transform ioki to an open source company
    • Hackday 2023 & Hackday 2024
  • Improve developer culture by organising ioki-themed planning poker cards, organising KotlinConf Global 2023, creating an ioki-themes card game, organising team-wide off-sites (e.g. minigolf) and more…

Buzzwords: Android SDK, Gradle, Kotlin (+ Coroutines), Bitrise, GitHub (+ Actions, Projects), CI/CD, Firebase (Auth, Realtime Database, Analytics), Sentry, Google Cloud, Google Maps SDK, ZenHub, Clean Architecture, Model-View-ViewModel (MVVM), RxJava, Unit Test

01/2025 - 05/205, Generative AI at Udacity, remotely

Doing the course Generative AI.

Buzzwords: Generative AI, PyTorch, Transformers, Encoder-Decoder Architecture, GPT, Attention Mechanism, Virtual Transformer (ViT), Segment Anything (SAM), Generative adversarial network (GAN), Hugging Face, Datasets, Retrieve Augmented Generation

11/2017 - 02/2018, Android Developer Nanodegree at Udacity, remotely

See also Projects for more.

02/2016 - 01/2020, Android Developer at grandcentrix, remotely

  • Developed, improved and maintained various Android apps:
    • The biggest grocery shopping app in Switzerland
    • An app to control various household appliances such as dishwashers, vacuum cleaners, cooker hoods, etc.
    • A football (EN-US)/soccer (EN-GB) gambling app
    • A health insurance app
    • and many more…
  • Work on various open source libraries e.g. ThirtyInch, PhaseAppGradlePlugin, tray and more
  • Wrote articles on Medium
  • Gave internal talks on various Android-related topics
  • Work on internal tools such as a Bluetooth SDK

Buzzwords: Android SDK, Java, Kotlin, Jira, Beta Crashlytics (now Firebase Crashlytics), GitHub, Clean Architecture, Android Bluetooth Stack, Jenkins, Gradle, Model View Presenter (MVP), RxJava, Unit Test

07/2014 - 02/2016, Software Developer at Online Directory Service (merged into Gelbe Seiten in 2016)

  • Developed, improved and maintained the Gelbe Seiten Android and iOS App
  • Primary contact person
    • for the product owner
    • regarding any Android related questions
  • Product designer (we tried to build a new product from scratch)

Buzzwords: Android SDK, Java, Objective-C, Swift, Testfairy, Beta Crashlytics (now Firebase Crashlytics), Jira, intensive course about TDD, intensive course about Scrum, Git, SVN, Jenkins, UI test, unit test, testing pyramid

08/2011 - 07/2014, Apprenticeship, Kuratorium für Dialyse und Nierentransplantation e.V.

  • ~30% at School, ~70% at Work
  • Exam project: Development of an billing system for renal centres across Germany in PHP

Buzzwords: PHP, JavaScript, HTML, CSS, Magic (xpa and xpi)

2006 - 2011, Fun Developer, School

  • My developer journey starts
  • Styled different websites by injecting custom CSS
  • Created websites (frontend and backend) with Phyton, HTML, CSS and deployed to App Engine
  • Start learning Android development
  • Working on different privat Android apps. E.g MegaSound with over 100.000 downloads…

Buzzwords: Java, Android SDK, App Engine, Google Cloud Platform (GCP), Phyton, SQL, MySQL, HTML, CSS